Some things to consider:
*the PENCIL, not pen, goes off the screen when you try to balance it, so that gets irritating
-limit the space in which the pencil can reside, so the pencil is more sensitive to mouse motion
*instead of focusing on the pencil, like the view should, I was focusing on the bar at the top of the screen..... so really, you could have had a game that involved only that bar and produced the same effect
-remove the bar at the top, if necessary, have a more subtle warning system
*the menu had "UNDEFINED" which means something was amiss, that should be removed or fixed
*the graphics weren't very pleasing to the eye, its an OK style to use, but I think it was overdone and too complicated.
- make a simpler hand, simpler pencil, etc. try to make it PLEASING
*the sounds were decent, still not very funny
-add some nice music, techno works with everything in flash :D :D
the voices should probably be removed, it gets annoying to keep hearing them